Self-Awareness & Growth-Mindset

Fareeha Saeed
2 min readMay 7, 2021

Most of us in this life are acting without knowing ourselves and our purpose in life. Our brains are wired in such a way that we have no choice but to limit our potential and not dare to ask the right kind of questions. Before joining Taghayyur Fellowship, I was self-conscious, timid, and a conservative person. I didn’t know about my passion and the reason behind what I was doing and why.

The session of this week introduced me to this concept of “IKIGAI”. It is a Japanese concept that means “A reason for being”. This idea introduces you to your purpose or passion in life and the values and beliefs associated with your personality. After performing the activity of creating my own self-awareness chart, I came to know many hidden things about my personality and belief system.

Photo by Jared on Unsplash

Session on time management and learning about various strategies like Lee's strategy and urgent & important rule gave me the tools to make effective use of my time. I also came to know about the difference between a growth mindset and a fixed one. I learned to make SMART goals on a daily, monthly, and yearly basis. The biggest challenge for me was to change my mindset towards defining my goals and passion in life but this session helped me a lot to clear my flustered mind and to shift my paradigm.

